About Listed Assets

The Association does not endorse any of the crypto assets listed on the Protocol and displayed on the Interface. The Association cannot and does not provide any guarantees, whether explicitly or implicitly, concerning these crypto assets, and notably, their ongoing availability, appropriateness, or compliance with the legal frameworks of any given jurisdiction.

Crypto assets listed on the Interface and accepted on the Protocol are subject to a myriad of external factors influencing, notably, their utility, price, reliability, and legal status. These factors and their consequences are beyond the Association's purview and control.

The Association disclaims all liability for losses or damages, whether direct or indirect, consequential, incidental, special, punitive, or otherwise, that may result from a specific crypto asset being supplied, withdrawn, or gained through the Protocol.

It is the sole responsibility of users to undertake comprehensive due diligence and to seek independent professional advice to fully understand the risks associated with specific crypto assets used by you through the Protocol.

Last updated