Supply Assets

Supplying assets to Keom's money market

The various markets are displayed on the homepage of the dApp.

To supply crypto assets to the platform, all a user needs to do is:

  • Navigate to the "Supply Markets" section.

  • Click on the asset they wish to supply.

Supplied assets will be used as collateral by default. If a user wants to disable this option, they must manually toggle the collateral switch within the main user interface on the website.

Keom Asset Supply Market

You need to approve the token in the Supply/Withdraw pop-up

Approving Assets
  • After approving the asset class once, the user can choose the amount of the token to be supplied or press Max to deposit the user-connected wallet's entire balance of that token

  • Press the Supply button to initiate the transaction and deposit the tokens

There are no minimum or maximum deposits imposed. Users can deposit any amount.

Last updated