Testnet vs Mainnet

A Testnet and a Mainnet are two distinct environments

A testnet serves as a dedicated blockchain network designed for testing and experimentation. It's commonly employed by developers and users alike to explore new functionalities, evaluate smart contracts, and pinpoint any potential flaws or weaknesses before introducing them to the mainnet. Testnets typically operate with test tokens or cryptocurrencies that lack real-world value, often distributed freely for experimentation without any financial implications. While testnet may not boast the same level of security or reliability as the mainnet, they offer a safe environment for developers to refine and enhance their applications without exposing real assets to risk.

A mainnet, also known as the production network, is the live blockchain network where real transactions occur and real assets are transferred. It's the network that users interact with for actual use cases. Mainnets have higher security and reliability requirements compared to testnets because they involve real assets and real economic activity. Any bug or vulnerability in the mainnet could result in financial loss or other adverse consequences for users.

Keom is foremostly deployed on mainnets but it may be at times deployed on testnets.

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