Restricted Jurisidictions

A Restricted Jurisdiction shall mean:

(i) a jurisdiction in which applicable laws prohibit or otherwise restrict owning crypto assets or transacting therewith, or in which public authorities inflict administrative or criminal sanctions which result in a prohibition of specific activities involving tokens.

  • In February 2024

  • Afghanistan

  • Algeria

  • Bangladesh

  • Bolivia

  • China

  • Egypt

  • Ghana

  • Iraq

  • Kuwait

  • Lesotho

  • Libya

  • Morocco

  • Myanmar

  • Nepal

  • North Macedonia

  • Oman

  • Qatar

  • Republic of Congo

  • Saudi Arabia

  • Sierra Leone

  • Tunisia

(ii) a jurisdiction in which crypto assets are deemed financial instruments and/or in which any services involving crypto assets, including merely providing an interface for such services, would require the Association to comply with specific regulations, notably any filings, and authorizations required thereby.

  • Notably, although not exclusively:

  • United States of America

  • United Kingdom

(iii) a jurisdiction blacklisted by the Financial Action Task Force.

(iv) a jurisdiction subject to economic and financial sanctions as imposed by the United Nations and transposed by an ordinance adopted by the Federal Council under the Federal Act on the Implementation of International Sanctions.

Last updated