Polygon zkEVM Beta

Detailed information on that L2 and risks associated therewith can be found here and is summarized for your convenience below.

It's important to note that zkEVM is currently in its beta phase. This signifies an ongoing stage of development and testing, where improvements and refinements are being made to enhance its performance and stability.

As with any technology in beta, there may still be aspects that are being fine-tuned, and unforeseen issues could arise during real-world usage. Therefore, while considerable efforts have been dedicated to ensuring the robustness of the zkEVM solution, its beta status implies that it may not be entirely free from potential technical challenges or limitations.

Users engaging with zkEVM should be aware that this stage is a stepping stone towards a more mature and fully-fledged solution. As the technology continues to evolve, user feedback and experiences play a pivotal role in shaping its future development trajectory. As a Keomrad, you are part of this journey.

It is yet advised to approach zkEVM with an understanding of its beta status, appreciating the dynamic nature of its progress and the potential for future enhancements.

Polygon PoS and Polygon zkEVM (Zero-Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine) are both scalability solutions developed by Polygon, but they employ different technologies and approaches to achieve their goals.

The key difference lies in the underlying technology: while Polygon PoS leverages a traditional blockchain architecture enhanced with a Proof of Stake consensus, Polygon zkEVM uses advanced cryptographic techniques to compress transactions into batches and validate them on Ethereum.

Polygon zkEVM approaches scalability and privacy through the use of zero-knowledge proofs, a cryptographic method that allows one party to prove to another that a statement is true without revealing any information beyond the validity of the statement itself.

Polygon zkEVM stands out among zero-knowledge (zk) chains for its direct EVM compatibility, enabling developers to deploy Ethereum smart contracts without alterations, unlike other zk solutions like zkSync and StarkNet, which may require specific adjustments for integration. This approach significantly eases the transition for Ethereum projects seeking scalability, without the need to navigate the complexities of a new environment.

The use of Polygon zkEVM Mainnet Beta is not without potential risks. Polygon Labs has completed independent security audits of all components and a series of internal assessments. Please review the audit reports for your full understanding. Notably, the full security audit report by Hexens, an independent security first, can be read here, and a summary here.

Polygon zkEVM Mainnet Beta is released with a set of security features that will evolve over stages. It was launched with “limited training wheels,” as explained in this article, according to Vitalik Burterin’s useful taxonomy of rollup milestones. This approach acknowledges the inherent uncertainties in novel technology and strives for incremental advancement.

The deployment of Polygon zkEVM Mainnet Beta is also supported by a comprehensive bug bounty program, and the commitment to open-source principles fosters transparency, paving the way for the community's active involvement.

Last updated